An Alternative Route Planning Library for Boost.Graph
Main page

ARLib is a generic library for Boost.Graph providing several Alternative-Routing algorithms. Alternative routing, also known in the literature as alternative route planning or k-shortest paths with limited overlapping, is the problem of finding a number of good s-t paths in a graph. While the problem of finding the shortest path between a pair of nodes has been intensively studied and efficient solutions are well-known (most notably the Dijkstra's algorithm), finding several, high-quality paths introduces some challenges. In fact, we look for s-t paths that are a) as short as possible b) sufficiently dissimilar from each other.


ARLib implements the following state-of-the-art algorithms to solve the problem:

Moreover, the following algorithms are also available:

  • Bidirectional Dijkstra - A speed-up variant of Dijkstra's algorithm that searches the graph both from the source and the target for faster convergence.
  • Uninformed Bidirectional Pruner - A pre-processing algorithm to prune a graph from those vertices that unlikely could be part of an s-t path.


This documentation describes the internal software that makes up ARLib, not the external use of ARLib. There are no instructions here on how to use ARLib, only the APIs that make up the software. For usage instructions, please see the Tutorial section in GitHub repository.